March 9, 2025

Credit card and personal loan defaulters will find it more difficult to evade credit collection officers in future.

Banks can now track defaulters who have absconded or skipped payment through information currently being provided by Credit Information Bureau of India Ltd. (Cibil). Whenever a defaulting borrower applies for a fresh loan with any bank his credit history can be accessed by on e mail.

It was near impossible till very recent times to trace a customer in event of change of address unless communicated to the lending bank. Now due to the central database maintained by Cibil containing amongst others data about date of birth and PAN number etc they can be located and identified.

While there is a controversy about sharing such data & services to lending banks being an infringement on privacy the same seems to be well purview of the CIBIL act as confirmed by MD. Arun Thukral.

Surprisingly there have been cases in the past where two branches of the same bank have given loans to the same borrower due to unavailability of real time credit history of the customer. Sharing of database maintained by Cibil amongst lending banks will be a remedy to this unwanted problem.

Customers too would now be able to access their Cibil report by making online payment to Cibil who would mail the report to the address on its record. According to Mr. Thukral Cibil is also offering its analytical tools to banks to facilitate their decisions on credit worthiness of loan applicants by allotting credit score based on existing and past relationship across all products by participating banks.

The Reserve Bank of India had declared new guidelines which will disallow any bank to treat a customer as a defaulter if they have negotiated the amount payable against his account and paid the amount to the banks providing such credit cards or loans. Credit Information Bureau Of India Limited is the central repository of all consumers credit history across all banks formed in Jan. 2001. is a loan advisory portal launched in Mumbai that offers the best loan deals for Personal Loans, Home Loans, Auto Loans, Business loans, Mortgages, Secured loans, Unsecured Loans, Working capital, Private Finance.

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